Thursday, September 6, 2007

Featured Layout Toot!!!

I've entered several contest recently. I entered this watch layout at MBI last month.

For those of you not in the scrapbook circle a 'toot' is when you win a contest, are picked for a design team, or get published. You know, you toot your own horn. I have my first toot!!! (lol, that sounds so funny to say) My PreK layout was chosen to be the featured layout at Memory Book Inspirations. It appears on the sites homepage and in the monthly newsletter. I won a $25 gift certificate to MBI store which I spent immediately along with another $35 from my own pocket. So I have lots of new goodies coming my way.


Jackie Wyzgowski at Country Candle Cottage said...

Well honey, Here is a big Toot Toot to you! Congratulations! I love scrapbokking and also just started my new blog. We should share our pages. I love your little one's curly red hair.