Thursday, June 4, 2009

Books Say A Lot...

Ashlyn and I have gone to the library from time to time while Braden was a school. With summer in full swing, the library will probably be a weekly trip. It kills a few hours and it's free (as long as I can remember to return the books and movies by the due date).

Today as I was unpacking our books I noticed that the books we picked really "show" us. Braden checked out: "Bats at the Library", " Bats at the Beach", "Bone Soup", and "Dinosaur Dinosaur". All subjects are kind-of creepy. Braden has a dark side. I'm sure a goth stage will rear its ugly head sometime in our future.

Ashlyn picked out: "Princess Abigail and the Wonderful Hat","The Girl in the Castle", "Alice the Fairy, and "Shoe Bop!" So she wants to be a princess and she really likes shoes--diva in the making!
I, however, just finished reading the book in the picture. I loved it. It explained a lot about slavery in America. This trip I got "Spy Girl", "Treasure Hunt", and "We Bought A Zoo". I'm going to the read the Zoo book first.

What do my choices say about me? I like non-fiction obviously. Not one book is fiction. I guess that shouldn't surprise me since I'm a reality show junkie! I think it also shows that I'm a little nosey. I like stories that let in on the private stuff, you know the juicy stuff, the dirt, etc..