Friday, February 8, 2008

Zoo Trip.

We went to the zoo Thursday with Braden's school. It was his first field trip and I forgot my camera. (GASP) I know I know! I couldn't believe that I forgot my camera. I realize that day that Braden is quite a leader. He wanted to be in the front of the group the whole time. When it was time to move on to the next exhibit he would yell "OK EVERYONE! IT'S TIME TO GO!" I'm proud of him though. He's not at all afraid to take charge. He does that at home with his sister but all big brothers boss their sisters. This was the first time I saw him take charge of a group of his friends (and their parents, LOL!)

I'm actually 0 for 2 on the picture taking this week. Braden actually broke his first board at Tae Kwon Do. It took him a few tries because he is so timid and he kicks and strikes so soft but he did it. It was a great moment and I didn't have my camera. So, I'm going to make a resolution for the Chinese New Year to carry my camera in my purse. I will not be without my camera again.