Wednesday, May 7, 2008

the beginning

It looks like a good spot for a house to me. This is our lot. I know it's not that interesting to look at but this is it. Look at all those palms to the right of the picture. I wish I could dig those up and save them. The city requires the builders to clear the entire lot. No saving trees or building around them. I really hate that. It seems like such a waste of good trees.

First the will clear everything off the lot. Then they will bring in loads and loads of dirt and build it up so the house will sit on it's own little hill. They have to do that for drainage but it really make the mowing rough (not that I know from experience). After the house is built, I'll spend a few hundreds dollars each to buy more of those palm trees for my yard.

There should be a non-profit organization to dig up some of the smaller trees to use at parks, schools, etc. At least then they wouldn't be a total waste. I think the city turns them into mulch. It's free mulch but I would rather have a free palm tree than a pile of free mulch.


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