Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Great News!!!

We have been watching the housing market stumble here in Florida over the past year. We currently rent a fantastic house but we've been checking out the MLS for a few months. We've even visited the model homes the past few weekends to check things out. I would really love to live in a community but the houses in the communities are just out of our price range. So I have sadly given up on the community and accepted that we are going to be living farther from the businesses than I would prefer.

So we found a few house that we really really like. One has beautiful tile and granite but is small. The second house is huge over 2000 square feet but has cheap floors and counters. We've decided that size is more important than the furnishing right now. We can (and hopefully will )upgrade the floors and counter tops later on.

And.... MIKE JUST CALLED ME TO LET ME KNOW THAT WE ARE PRE-APROVED FOR THE LOAN!!!! I guess we're building a new house! How exciting and totally scary! I have to go look over the option list again.