Thursday, April 3, 2008


ZZZZZ! I need some! Last night I stayed up late working on a scrapbook page. We are leaving for Orlando tomorrow afternoon and I like to leave the house as clean as possible. So I want to clean up my scrap mess. I finally went to bed and at 2:30am I gave up. It was one those horrible nights where I was so uncomfortable. Then I got ticked off because I was still awake, which made me tense, which made my shoulders ball up, which made me more uncomfortable,..... you've been there right?

I went back to bed at 4:30am but I really didn't feel tired then. It was totally forced sleep and not restful at all. But with all that said......(I know you're thinking "THank God!") I am in a great mood and not to tired. I do however feel the beginning of a headache creeping up on me but I'm sure the 2 Tylenol and the 2 cans of Diet Dr Pepper that I just chugged will perk me right back up. I'm sure I will crash soon and it will be a total melt down but for right now I'm doing good.

I'm sorry about wasting that minute of your life though!