Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Say a little prayer!

I just found out that my grandfather had a stroke either last night or sometime today. My grandmother called my mother at 6 am this morning because she thought he had a stroke. He apparently was having problems communicating. He of course refused to go to the hospital or call his doctor. He instead got dressed and went to work. (MEN!!)

Later in the day, my grandfathers boss called my grandmother because they noticed that he was having problems working a machine (that's he's worked at for over 40 years) and seemed confused. So my uncle went to the shop and made him go to the hospital. He of course still didn't want to go but he had no choice.

I come from a large family of faith but if you to believe in prayer, I ask that you say a little prayer for him and the doctors treating him too. He's name is Curtis Gipson. Thanks so much.


gqzmommy said...

So sorry to hear about your grandfather...we'll definitely keep him and your family in out thoughts...