Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I've lost my voice and lost control!

I woke up a few days ago and my voice was very raspy. It's been fading a little each day and now I've completely lost it. It's gone. I am now communicating in a faint little whisper even though I'm actually screaming. It's really exhausting. By the time I finish yelling out my sentence then re-yelling it so the kids can piece together what I'm trying to say, I'm totally winded.

The kiddos are really taking advantage of it today too. I can't count the number of times Braden told me "I didn't hear you say not to......................" You can fill in the blank with just about anything you want and I've heard it the past few days. I can't say I've completely lost control of the house because I can still take away the tv. Turning off the tv is corporal punishment in our house.

Not having a voice may help loose a few pounds though. I really wanted to get a Diet Dr Pepper at Chick fil a today after I gassed up the car (Chick is in the Wal-Mart parking lot) but I don't have voice to order. Then on the way home from tae kwon do, Braden asked if we could eat in the car (in 5 year old language that means go to a drive thru) but once again I can't talk so that was ruled out. When we got home I really didn't want to cook since I'm not feeling well. I would have ordered a pizza but once again my waste was spared a few inches since I can't talk.

OMG!! I just realized that I could have ordered pizza online! Well, I know what's for dinner tomorrow night!


gqzmommy said...

Hope you get your voice back soon, Kim...

I just had a picture of what my house would be like if I lost my voice...I see a three year old swinging on anything that stands still and me pulling my hair out! LOL!